Skyrise Business Centre

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    The Psychology Behind Efficiency and Routines (Pt II)

    From the moment we wake up in the morning, we start making decisions. What to wear? What to have for breakfast? Which route to take to work?Being bombarded by these decisions first thing in the morning can throw us into a state of anxiety or stress and that’s not an ideal way to get into your day if you’re planning on having a productive and efficient one

    Co-working is the place to be in 2023

    The definition of an office is forever evolving with the pandemic changing the idea of a traditional workplace. Organisations
    and employees alike had to adapt quickly and with vaccinations rollouts and gradual easing of restrictions, they have begun
    to reconsider the concept as well as purpose of an office space.

    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (Pt I)

    Our brains are wired for survival. Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often.

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    Book a Free Tour

    Book a private viewing and let our team design an office solution based on your preferences and lifestyle needs!
